Just like WhatsApp, but for CW fans like you and me. Morse Chat is an app that allows ham/amateur radio enthusiasts to communicate with each other using Morse code. Features: Communicate with fellow Morse enthusiasts from far and near simply by tapping dots and dashes. Meet new friends in a number of public rooms (10 […]
Emoji Mania – An absolutely fun emoji quiz game

Emoji Mania is a fun and family-friendly quiz game for all those who are creative and interested in deduction. With 1500 attentively-crafted questions in 150 levels, it will certainly keep you entertained for quite some time. Of course, more questions are being added for future versions. Features: 1500 questions in 150 levels Categories include movies, […]
Morse Mania 6.0 – Finally, practicing sending Morse code is here!

Finally, the most requested feature of Morse Mania has been implemented – practicing how to send the Morse code. In earlier versions, only learning and practicing receiving Morse code were implemented (via audio, blinking light, flashlight or vibration), and now, users can finally practice how to send the code by pressing a button. What’s new: […]
Sky Academy – Learn to recognize all the constellations and the brightest stars in the sky

Learn all the constellations and brightest stars from a gold medal winner of the International Astronomy Olympiad competition! Features: 123 levels teach, train and test your knowledge of all 88 constellations defined by the International Astronomical Union. 180 levels teach, train and test your knowledge of 150+ brightest stars of the sky. Learn the constellations […]
Braille Academy 2.0 – Contractions, Wordsigns, Groupsigns and More

What’s new in brief: 7 more chapters are added including Strong Contractions, Strong Wordsigns, Strong Groupsigns, Lower Groupsigns, Lower Wordsigns, Initial Letter Contractions and Final Letter Groupsigns. the Shortform Words chapter is corrected and updated with the usage of contractions and groupsigns. more questions are added in 9 chapters and now the questions are randomized. […]
Greek Alphabet Academy – Master the Greek letters with ease and fun!

Greek Alphabet Academy is developed to help those who are interested in the Ancient Greek Alphabet, mathematics and physics and want to memorize quickly and easily the upper- and lowercase of the Greek letters and their English pronunciation. The two key teaching and training concepts are progressive introduction and focused repetition. The 24 letters are […]
Elements Academy – Master the Periodic Table of Elements!

Elements Academy is developed to help those who are interested in chemistry and want to memorize quickly and easily the elements’ symbols, names, atomic numbers and position in the periodic table. The two key teaching and training concepts are progressive introduction and focused repetition. The learning material is categorized into modules and then broken down […]
Braille Academy – Learn and practice Braille with ease and fun!

Braille Academy is developed to help those who are curious about and interested in learning the Braille system. The two key teaching concepts are gradual introduction and focused repetition. The learning material is categorized into chapters and then levels to ensure efficient learning and training. If you are not particularly interested in Braille but in […]
NATO Alphabet – Learn and train NATO/ICAO Spelling Alphabet with fun!

Different from most apps in the App Store or Google Play store, NATO Alphabet focuses on practice and trains your knowledge of the names of the 26 letters. What’s more, you can choose to train the names by typing or speaking, and I strongly recommend the latter as it’s much more useful in real life. […]
Lip Reading Academy – Learn and practise an important skill with great fun!

Lip Reading Academy combines tutorials with playing and teaches the skill of lip reading. Through detailed explanation and focused and constant training, users will gain a deep and firm understanding of the movement of the lips, tongue and jaw. The consonants and vowels with similar lips movements are grouped together, which makes the learning process […]