• Chinese dishes
  • Coca Cola Chicken Wings

    Hello everyone! Today I’m gonna explain to you how to make an appetizer which is called Coca Cola Chicken Wings. I put it in the category of “Chinese Dishes” but I’m not sure whether it’s Chinese or not because we didn’t have Coca Cola until recently I guess. I read from the Coca Cola history that […]

    Coca Cola Chicken Wings was last modified: October 30th, 2016 by Dong
  • Cooking
  • Mushroom Risotto

    Hello everyone! This is the first time I cooked risotto and I have to say it’s so good! Haha. Actually I wanted to start making risotto because I had “Risotto allo zafferano con funghi porcini ” in an Italian restaurant and I fell in love with it. I saw that the ingredients are quite easy […]

    Mushroom Risotto was last modified: October 19th, 2016 by Dong